MASV 3 Updates – Slack Integration, Desktop Apps & Extended Storage

Thảo luận trong 'ENGLISH' bắt đầu bởi Olaf von Voss, 2/7/19.

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  1. MASV 3 is an online service for delivering (huge) files over the internet. It’s based on a pay-as-you-go model and the team behind it seems to be really busy adding more and more features to MASV. In this quick update we talk about the new Slack integration, freshly added desktop apps and the ability to extend the 10-day delivery limit.


    MASV has been around for quite some time now and in February 2019 the 3rd major release went live. Read my review here to freshen up your memory about MASV 3. Since then, some significant updates were introduced to the general public, including the three major ones that are the subject of todays post.

    • MASV 3 now integrates nicely with Slack
    • Extend the 10-day delivery window as a pay-as-you-go option
    • New desktop apps for both Microsoft Windows and macOS

    As MASV improves its feature set, let’s break down these three new additions (and one more at the end of this article).

    MASV 3 Updates

    Collaboration. It can be tough to work with team members from various locations (and time zones) on one collaborative project. Tons of WhatsApp messages, myriads of emails, never-ending phone calls, you name it. Slack is here to help. It works much like any other messenger but it is purpose build for team communication. It offers so-called channels which you can join and each individual message acts like a post on which you can reply in a facebook-like manner. No more important messages buried dozens of thumb-swipes up the timeline.

    While WhatsApp, Telegram and all the other messenger apps out there might be cool for casual chats, Slack is for serious business and collaboration among team members. The MASV team seems to know that since they now offer deep integration into Slack.

    Once you’ve integrated MASV 3 into your Slack account you can link MASV notifications to an existing channel or create a new one for that purpose. Now you will be notified once a member of your team uploads a file, who the recipient(s) is (are) and you’ll also get a ping once the package is being downloaded. And since you can manage notifications for each and every channel within Slack, you also can choose to not be disturbed at all. Your call.


    Over time, MASV will add more features to this newly formed alliance such as

    extending storage times for soon-to-expire un-downloaded packages, modifying download limits with one click, deleting packages that have already been fully downloaded, and maybe even the ability to upload to MASV directly through Slack.

    Downloading packages through Slack is also pretty easy since you or your team member just has to click the corresponding link from within Slack and that’s it, no extra steps required.

    Extended Storage

    By popular demand, MASV 3 now allows for extending the standard 10-day delivery window for downloads. This gives your clients more time to download a package without the need to upload it again and again. This is particularly useful if you’re sending out a package to many recipients.

    Pricing is -again- pay-as-you-go based. This allows for granular adjustments per package without paying for extended storage time on fast turnaround projects. The downside? Pricing can get a bit tricky since you have to calculate costs as follows:

    $0.25 / GB downloaded for 10 days storage + an incremental $0.10 per month per GB stored after the first 10 days.

    For example you will pay $0.07 for 1 GB of data stored for 30 days will cost you $0.07. For 10 GB that amount increases to $o.67, a full 100 GB will cost you $6.67 for the same 30 days. Head over to the MASV pricing calculator in order to check your very own pricing estimate.

    New Desktop Apps

    Also new are the desktop apps for both Microsoft Windows and macOS platforms. With these desktop apps MASV 3 will bypass the browser and therefore it’s much more reliable in downloading and especially in uploading huge packages. It will relentlessly try to resume up- and downloads, no matter what.


    The network is going south? You accidentally closed the lid of your laptop, sending it to sleep? You changed locations and/or networks? Don’t you worry, the MASV 3 desktop app has you covered. It won’t stop until the whole 493 GB package is being uploaded and you can rest assured it will outperform most browsers while doing so.

    The MASV 3 desktop app uses only standard ports and TCP so you won’t run into any firewall issues here. Furthermore, the need to zip packages becomes obsolete (and so do the problems that come with unzipping large packages with complex file structures), since MASV 3 will maintain your file structure as a whole without the need to zip anything.

    Embedding Upload Portals

    One more update: In most cases you will want to upload packages in order to send them over to clients. But what if you are working for an agency or post-production facility and you want to receive files from external freelance collaborators? Well, that’s what so-called portals are for.


    And now you can embed these portals right into your existing website for a seamless user experience. With this your co-workers can interact directly with your company without ever having to hassle with the MASV website. Furthermore you can brand that portal the way you like, so it integrates nicely into your websites color scheme.


    What do you think of these updates? What kind of data tranfer methods and/or services do you already use? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

    The post MASV 3 Updates – Slack Integration, Desktop Apps & Extended Storage appeared first on cinema5D.