Cinematoraphy 8Sinn Monitor Holder – Mount your Monitor/Recorder in Style

Thảo luận trong 'ENGLISH' bắt đầu bởi Olaf von Voss, 23/4/18.

Lượt xem: 569

  1. As a manufacturer of camera accessories, coming up with clever ideas that make camera operator lives a little easier the best thing you can do. And it seems like this is exactly what the 8Sinn Monitor Holder is all about.

    It seems to be the golden age of monitor/recorders once again. External recorders are becoming the weapon of choice for many indie shooters because they’re capable of unlocking the full potential of modern video cameras, not only since the announcement of ProRes RAW.

    But how to mount such a device to your camera effectively? Monitor holders can be cumbersome, but this one seems to fit the bill.

    The 8Sinn Monitor Holder is actually quite simple, yet very handy. It cosists of two arms, a tool-free 1/4“ screw and a mounting thumb screw. The arm mounting to the monitor/recorder rotates 180 degrees.

    The 8Sinn Monitor Holder is designed to be mounted to the camera itself via a standard NATO rail. That way it’s very versatile and you can attach or detach it very quickly to your rig.

    The whole thing is made of aluminum alloy which is sturdy and lightweight. To me, this a very handy device which renders weird magic arm constructions obsolete while maintaining a small footprint on your rig.

    Since the 8Sinn Monitor Holder is such a straightforward accessory it seems almost to be a no brainer to me. You have to make sure that your rig offers the necessary space for it, of course. But since NATO rails are a quite common way of attaching things to a camera cage, you‘ll probably have some of these already attached to your rig anyways.

    The 8Sinn Monitor Holder is scheduled for delivery now.

    There are two options to purchase this little device. Either with 60mm NATO rail ($95) or without it ($79). So, if you already have some NATO rails you can save the extra $16.


    Are you tired of wobbly magic arm mountings? What do you think of this handy little helper? Let us know in the comments below!

    The post 8Sinn Monitor Holder – Mount your Monitor/Recorder in Style appeared first on cinema5D.